Employee Care of America

Employee Care of America (www.employeecareofamerica.com) partners with businesses to improve productivity and profitability by caring for its most important asset–its employees. Through trained Care Professionals, Employee Care of America offers support and encouragement through on-site visits and accessibility, leading to more productive employees, happier workplace, and healthier communities. It’s hard for people to add value to a company’s bottom line when they’re broken. Employee Care of America provides help and hope.
This service is highly relational so that when there is a problem, employees are comfortable enough to confide in the care professional. In addition, the care professional will walk alongside the employee when a crisis occurs, such as a death, addiction, sickness, or family emergency. The Care Professional will be available, letting the employee know they are not alone.
Services can be customized for each company or business. If you would like to talk with me about these services, please email me at rick@employeecareofamerica.com to set up a time.